Strength & Sport Physical Therapy

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Sleep Hacks For Better Sleep

Sleep is massively important to our bodies. The current research shows we should shoot for at least 7-8 hours/ night. For adults less than 6 hours is not recommended, more than 11 is not recommend. Physical benefits include reduced injury risk, improved performance, better body composition (better muscle development, fat loss). Mental benefits include better focus, clarity, accuracy and overall mental health.

Here are some common “sleep hacks” to help you optimize sleep. Some of these may not be possible every night, but it’s good to know what factors can affect sleep.

1.) Limit alcohol

2.) Limit coffee after 12pm

3.) Reduce blue light before bed (computer screens, tablets, phones). Consider using blue light blocker glasses.

4.) Aim to get the room dark as possible: Use black out curtains, put tape over any electronic lights.

5.) Aim to get a quiet room (or use ambient noise): Fans, white noise

6.) Aim to the room a few degrees cooler

7.) Aim to get yourself a few degrees cooler (prefer a cool/warm shower, prefer cool/ warm water when washing face)

8.) Avoid strenuous exercise 2 hours before bed (Maybe- applies to some people).

9.) Sleep supplements: Melatonin

10.) Get a bedtime routine.

11.) Go to bed at the same time every night

12.) Get some exercise during the day.