Restless Leg Syndrome: How PT can Help

From Web MD: (things that may help)

  • Stretch

  • Heat and or ice

  • Good sleep “hygiene”- trying going to bed same time every night, limiting screen time in bed/ before bed, keeping the room dark/ slightly cool

  • Regular exercise

  • Cutting back on caffeine

  • Compression Wraps

  • Using Vibration

  • Supplements: magnesium (also just good for sleeping anyway) - I use this one: (will cover your bases for B6 & magnesium)

  • Supplements: Vitamin B6

Other things that I think may help: 

  • Basic massage gun:

  • Foam rolling calf/ leg

  • Supplements: Melatonin? (Just may be helpful for sleep)

Other common supplements:

Matthew Sweeney