Strength & Sport Physical Therapy

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Low Back Drills (For Athletes/ Crossfitters)

Low back drills!

“The lifetime prevalence of non-specific (common) low back pain is estimated at 60% to 70% in industrialized countries.”- World Health Organization.

Some common triggers to the low back include prolonged sitting (Quarantine), stress (the year 2020) and significant change inactivity (returning to the gym?)

If you are in pain you are not alone!

90% of cases of low back pain will get better in 6 weeks.

Imaging is not typically recommended unless a red flag is present.

Here are some drills I like, specifically for CrossFit athletes and field athletes, to help keep the low back mobile and moving well.

If you are struggling with low back pain do yourself a favor and get checked out by a PT!.

We are still offering free 15 min telehealth services during this time.

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