Chronic Tendon Repair Program (Heavy Slow Resistance)
PT protocol for Tendon-osis (chronic tendon issues) 3+ months of symptoms
Week 1
3x15 (3’’concentric, 3’’ eccentric)
Week 2 & 3
3x12 (3’’concentric, 3’’ eccentric)
Week 4 & 5
4x10 (3’’concentric, 3’’ eccentric)
Week 6, 7, 8
4x8 (3’’concentric, 3’’ eccentric)
Week 9, 10, 11, 12
4x6 (3’’concentric, 3’’ eccentric)
Perform: 3x/ week
Rest: 2-3 min between sets
Range of motion
Perform full range of motion reps if able, otherwise work within a decreased range.
On a scale of 0-10, intensity should be about an “8”, AKA- you have 1-3 reps left in the tank
If truly a chronic tendon issue: Pain is allowed to go as high as 5/10
If an acute tendon issue: Keep pain minimal (1-2/10), prioritize rest
References (adapted from)